Saturday, March 7, 2009

Day #3 (from Steve)

A Challenge From the Pastor:

It was the fourth grade and I had moved to town a little over a year before that spring morning. It was Thursday and we were meeting at the Lutheran Church for release time. The school I was attending allowed kids to get out of school for an hour on Thursday morning for religious education. Honestly, most of us just wanted to get out of school.
Today, however, was different. Today Pastor Ivan was talking to us about something that I had never thought of before. Today was the day that I first heard an invitation to follow Jesus Christ and trust Him as my savior for my sins. I had always thought that just going to church with your parents meant that you believed in God, but forgiveness of sins?
I couldn't help but listen as Pastor Ivan told us about Jesus dying on the cross as a substitute in my place for my sin. I had heard all of this before but today was the day that it penetrated my heart and took root in my soul.
At the end of his message Pastor Ivan had us bow our heads and if we wanted Jesus to come into our lives we could raise our heads. I raised mine. Of course, being 10 years old I looked around to see who else had raised their one. Pastor Ivan prayed and then it was time to get back to school.
I still had a lot of growing up to do, and I have been by no means perfect since then. To be honest, I am not even sure if that is the day that I truly became a follower of Christ. I do know that is the day that the Holy Spirit first tugged at my heart. It was then that I became aware that there is a God out there and that He wanted to talk to me. Pastor Ivan's message was for me that day and I am forever greatful to him for it.

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