Thursday, December 3, 2009

We're still here! ;o)

Hello there to all our quiet, faithful followers! I just wanted to let you know that I haven't given up on our blog! Our home computer has been out of commission for a couple weeks now - hopefully to be remedied soon!
Thanks to all who have continued to check in!

Haddie and Seth are doing well. No major illnesses yet this Fall -woo hoo! They greatly delighted in decorating our home for Christmas this year. We are also doing a really fun daily Advent devotional I found on my friend Lindsey's blog. You can find out how to make your own Jesse Tree here. :o)

I am beginning to start the crazy process of sorting through each item in our house in effort to pack what we need to keep and cull what we don't.
Eeek! ;o)
(Any advice??)

Steve and I are off tomorrow to travel across the state to do some support raising for our church plant!

Blessings to each of you!
Thanks for stopping by!


Kami said...

We've done the packing and sorting thing a LOT lately! I feel your pain :) My biggest piece of advice is to keep all of your 'to be saved' stuff to one tote per person. Find your most important memories (I'm talking childhood stuff for you and Steve!) and have a tote to store it all in. It helped us a LOT. I discovered that Monte and Kelley had saved ALL of the kids' clothes from when they were babies. YIKES! Thankfully that was cleaned out and now we're looking at a fabulously organized storage room!

Hoping the process is easy for you! Have a wonderful Christmas! :)

Rachael said...

Hey Nat!
Whenever Casey and I moved he threw out so much! So I had to pack everything unless I wanted to go by his recommendations on what to keep and what not to, yea, not to much fun! Keep us posted on whats goin on, and have an awesome Christmas!
Miss you:)