Friday, January 22, 2010

Steve saves the day!

After quite an absence from the blog world, I'm very happy to say we're back - and with a handful of pictures to help you catch up!  We've had problem after problem with computer issues, starting with the crash of our former pc.... but tonight, thanks to Steve's help and his work computer, I'm happy to join you again!

This first one is just for fun, taken yesterday.
This is what happens when boys play with dolls...
Cinderella borrowed Ariel's shells
"so she could have goggles and go scuba diving".  ;o)

Here's Haddie a couple months ago, celebrating the success of our high school football team.

We were delighted to have friends from our sister church in Ukrain here for a visit.
Seth and Haddie had fun learning to count to ten in Ukrainian!

My dad's side had a big gathering for Thanksgiving. 
We had much to be thankful for - especially the presence of my grandparents.
(Last spring my grandma broke her leg and my grandpa
 spent many months in hospitals and nursing homes due
to a severe rare blood disease.  Both have recovered remarkebly well!)

The cousins on Steve's side...
Antonio, Haddie, Seth and Hayden.

This is how most of the group photos turn out! ;o)

Christmas Eve at our church.

The cousins on my side...
Daniel, Caleb, Haddie and Seth

Seth and Haddie being explorers.  :o)

So, as you can see, we're still alive and things have been going well! We've been working on support raising, packing, and house projects, along with all of the usual family happening.  Thanks so much to those faithful followers who continued to regularly check in during our previous absence!  Barring another computer turning to toast, I'll be back again soon!  :o)

1 comment:

Lesley said...

Hi Natalie! It was nice to see your update and I loved all the pics. I'm glad to hear things are going well and it looks like you've had lots of good family time. Praying for you guys! :)