Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Update 2010

 Merry Christmas everyone!  Thank you for stopping by to see our Christmas update!  We hope your year has been filled with joy.  Ours certainly has... as well as excitement, anticipation, challenges, waiting, hurrying, packing, unpacking, growth, peace (yes, some anxiety too), love, and so much more.  Continue to scroll down to see a quick recap of the year in photos!

January found us beginning to sort, discard, organize and pack items in our home. We were getting ready for a move!  Boxes abounded and many became objects of great entertainment for Seth and Haddie.  We fervently worked on some home projects so we could put the house on the market.

In February we took a short but sweet trip to Arizona.  The kids loved the cacti and we all enjoyed the time in the sun!

 March was filled with youth ministry fun and busyness, some thrills from finding long-lost items as we continued to sort (see picture with hats above) and a little "ridiculously nice" weather, as you can tell by Seth and Haddie outside in their jammies!

In April Seth turned 5.  We love our big boy so much.  He is so full of life and enthusiasm.  Some of his favorite things are insects, sea creatures, tornadoes, and "gadgets".   ;o)  He has a drawer full of them!

As the end of May drew near, our days in youth ministry began to as well.  It was such a bittersweet time for us.  We looked forward to beginning the new thing God had called us to, but is was a very hard thing to know we would soon be done with a job we loved so much.  We spent a total of seven years there and are so thankful for every one of them!

In June our little Haddie turned 3!  Here she is showing off her new cowboy hat and boots.   (No surprise, Haddie loves horses, as well as babies, cooking, helping in general, and PINK!)  Hadassah Joy is such a delight to us.  We can't imagine life without her sweetness in it!

July 1st was moving day!  We down-sized just a tad from a 2,500 sq. ft house to an apartment.  ;o)  It was an adjustment, yes.  And it took a while for our place to feel like home, but after some time we have found joy in (and come to appreciate) this season of apartment living.

August marked the beginning of Bible studies held in our home.  We were thankful to quickly outgrow that space!

In September Seth started Kindergarten!  It has been so fun to see him learn and grow this year.  Each week he also loves attending a group music class and Awana at a nearby church. 

(Not to be forgotten, Haddie thinks preschool is great and often asks to "do school"!)

October was a month of pumpkin patches, hiking through crunchy leaves, and enjoyment in a larger ministry space.

At the end of November we said goodbye to our lovely home.  How fitting that the month of thankfulness was the month we accepted an offer and signed papers.   We are happy that a really nice family with four children bought it.

So, that brings us to December.  We will celebrate the birth of our Savior in a new setting this year.  The place may be different, but the Reason is the same.  We are so thankful for what God has done in our lives.  We pray for his work to continue in ours and yours too.

Thanks for taking the time to see what we've been up to this past year!  Leave a comment if you wish, and feel free to stop by again.  We plan to post a little something every week or so!

Merry Christmas and Happy New year!


Lesley said...

I absolutely loved this update!! It's great to see what your family has been up to this past year!! Your kids are getting so big. - I can hardly believe they are 5 and 3! And soooo cute! :) I will keep checking back here now and look forward to more updates. Take care and God bless you all!

Faith Hope Love Photography said...

So glad to see you guys are doing well...may you have a blessed New Year!