Saturday, February 20, 2010

Yes, it was...

Arizona!  ;o)
We had debated going because of the craziness of packing and support raising, plus the usual church and family things going on... but we did go, and in the end it turned out to be just what we needed. :o)

We had a great time doing some hiking.  Here's Seth on the rock marking the "Heiroglyphics Trail".  Seth and Haddie and I only made it about half way, but it was pretty cool.
We went to a lake one night (Haddie kept calling it "The Grand Canyon" - hehe!).  Here's the four of us near the lake as the sun was setting, making things look even more beautiful.
"Kids, don't stick your hands by those holes or under any bushes."
The four of us went on an easy hike just outside the city we were staying in. 
The day and scenery were wonderful.

Seth at a park we all enjoyed.

"That's sharp.  You don't want to touch cactuses." ;o)

Steve and Haddie.

We did a little celebrating while we were out there, as it was Steve's birthday the day we came home.

Haddie and me.  Neat iron statues were everywhere in Fountain Hills, where we stayed.

The girls.  Myself, Tammy (you wouldn't guess she's seven months pregnant!), Jess, my mom, and Steph.

This was actually taken before we flew out (but I was having trouble with the order of pictures downloaded!).  Seth and Haddie thought the escelator at the air port was just amazing.  :o)  Hehe.

Thanks Mom and Dad.  We had a wonderful time!

1 comment:

LS said...

Cool! My aunt used to live in Fountain Hills and I visited there when I was 12. I bet it was a nice break from the MN winter. I'll miss you! Maybe you should get on fb to stay in touch!