Tuesday, May 5, 2009

No baby should experience this

Last night I had a dream about babies. It was a happy dream filled with chubby, cooing, content little ones. My mind must have created these pictures in my dreams because we have several friends who are either expecting or just had babies. I'm pretty sure I woke up smiling at the thought of these little darlings.
A short while later the smile faded as I read a blog post from the author, Tom Davis. He wrote about the urgent need for formula for malnourished babies in Ethiopia. My heart is wrenched by the thought of children and babies who starve to death as their mothers hold their tiny bodies and wish they had some bit of food or milk to give them.
No child (or parent, for that matter) should experience this atrocity. It might seem kind of sick, but I am including a picture of a baby on Tom's blog, followed by a photo of my chubby little Haddie to compare it to.
Babies like Haddie are so common in our country. For the most part, nourishment and health care are availiable. The same cannot be said of many countries around the world.

I don't write this to make anyone feel guilty or miserable. I do hope that others might have a desire to take action. Thinking about the dire needs of people around the world isn't comfortable... but then again, is comfort the supreme goal we should aspire to? For too many years I cared about situations like the babies in Ethiopia, but I always thought it was someone else's responsibility to act. God has changed my heart and has turned my focus away from myself. I realized that if I am aware, I am responsible to do something.
If the top photo or this information pulls at your heart strings, please go to Tom's Blog. Just click here http://tomdavis.typepad.com/tom_daviss_blog/ You may need to scroll down to the "May 4" posting. He has more information there and a way to make donations. If there is nothing you can do financially (or even if you can!) would you please stop what you are doing and pray for these children? Many lives are facing certain death today.
Thank you.

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