Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Fruit for the Week .....


For the past several days I've been noticing that Seth is showing big steps of improvement in the area of us being able to reason with him when he is being disobedient. That being said, I can also see that he still gets a thrill out of pushing his sister's buttons, sometimes to the point of tears. So, I've been thinking it would be a good time to start focusing on one fruit of the spirit per week. I thought it would be nice to put some reminders around the house about the specific fruit and spend time praying that God would grow this in our lives, as well as that our hearts would be soft and obedient to His work.

I listed off the fruits of the spirit this morning for Seth and asked him which one he would like to work on for the week.


Um, yeah.... so this is one I need to work on too!

(Recently a friend shared some of her chocolate Lindt truffles with me. YUM!! I fell in love with them.
Yesterday we were shopping and I bought a dozen of them. The scary thing is that, besides the one Steve tried on the way home, I ate them ALL by the time I went to bed last night! Oh my word, that was way too much chocolate!)

Obviously I need some work in the area of self control too! He he! ;o)

I'll fill you in on our progress next week!


Unknown said...

We did this when we were little too!
My mom made us pictures with trees on them, and then whenever they noticed us showing a fruit of the spirit they would put a different fruit on the tree (peach=love, apple=joy) Then whenever we got a certain amount we would get a treat or something :)

Good Luck! Now I know what to pray for Seth this week! :)

Marcy said...

I was just going to leave a comment and tell you about what we did with the kids, and I see Naomi beat me to it. Glad to see she remembered doing it. We had fun with it.

We memorized the fruit of the spirit with the kids and when we got to the end, Luke (when he was Seth's age) would sometimes substitute "remote control" for self control. Maybe it is kind of "remote control" when you are really living in tune with the Spirit??

We will pray for self control for all of you this week.

Thanks for sharing,


LS said...

I'm with you on the chocolate thing! I would have eaten them all too. Yum!

Thanks for sharing, this is one area I want to work on this year with Ali!