Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Looks like we have some budding artists on our hands...or should I say, on our walls!

They are quick too, I should add. : ) Steve and I were in the dining room, cleaning up after lunch. Seth and Haddie were having fun playing together. It had only been a couple minutes. Then we heard it. Silence. Dunt, dunt, dunt da! That tell-tale sign that something is up. So, we headed to the porch. Two little Picasso's looked up at us and grinned proudly. I have to admit that my dismay was short lived. Thankfully, their artwork had been accomplished in chalk, not permanent marker. It also was applied to my least favorite wall in the house - one of two that haven't been painted since we moved in. So, we did have a conversation with them about never writing on any other walls in the house... but we couldn't bring ourselves to be too upset about this one! :P

After our chat about the walls, Steve sat down on the wicker couch in the porch and Haddie joined him. She just loves sitting here. You can see the delight on her face to be sitting by her daddy on her favorite couch!

1 comment:

Thankfulmom said...


Thank you for your comment on my blog; it is great to hear from you again. Keep in touch and let me know if I can be of any help to you when you embark on your adoption journey.

Many blessings,
