Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Sunday, as I was pulling out the zip-lock full of Cheerios for our kiddos to munch on, I was stunned by what the pastor announced from the pulpit. Betty had passed away. Sweet Betty. It shouldn't have come as a surprise for me. She hadn't been doing well for over a year. She was elderly, and sick. But it still paralyzed me for a couple moments. Doesn't it always seem unreal for a little while when it's someone you know? Betty had made numerous blankets for Seth and Haddie. She was always sweet, smiling, positive, generous. Now she was gone. The feeling of surprise was quickly washed over by sadness. We would miss her.

Then the regret hit. It had been about a year since we had last visited Betty. We made sure to go over to her assisted living apartment so she could meet Haddie last summer. After that, Betty's health had declined and she was moved to a nursing home. Steve had been to see her there, but the kids and I never got around to it. It was just so much work, I had thought to myself a couple times over the past year. The idea of bringing a three year old and a baby into a cramped room full of breakable things had hindered me.

I am very sad that I hadn't made it a priority to see Betty while she was still living. I realize that she would have still passed away "too soon" for our liking, but it would have been so nice to tell her at least once more that we cared....

Monday morning we received word that our neighbor has been in the hospital, and that he only has a little time left. This time the decision to pack up and head to the hospital, rowdy kids and all, was simple. On our way home we even stopped by to visit another elderly woman we know. Not because we are great...not by a long shot. But because we are more determined than ever to not have those kinds of regrets in our life, if we can help it. It even reminds me to be more thoughtful about the time I spend with Seth and Haddie, and Steve.

I think I'm going to wrap this up.... I have some special people to spend time with.

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