Thursday, October 30, 2008

Days with Dad

On Monday mornings, as most of the country wakes up groggily and heads back to their jobs, we arise and see the day as most of you view Saturdays. We love Mondays! Steve puts in time for his job at the church on Sundays and most Saturdays, so he has Mondays off. We treasure this day of the week, and are thankful to Steve for guarding it carefully. He does a great job making Monday his day of rest and his day to spend time with us. This past Monday was lots of fun. We spent time playing in the fresh air at a near-by park, and in the evening we carved pumpkins. (It was our first time for carving pumpkins as a family. Those things are tough to cut through! But what am I talking about - it was Steve who did all of that hard work!) : )
"Is this how you do it, Dad?"

The finished product.

At the park.

Steve and Haddie (It was a chilly day!)

We brought Meshach with and he loved it.

Haddie looked like a big pink marshmallow all dressed up in her snowsuit.

Haddie and I.
It looks really dark, but it was only 11:30 am. It was quite cloudy. There were two eagles in the trees, though you can't see them in this photo.

Seth, experimenting. He was checking to see if the reeds would float. ; )
Ah, what a great day together.
Thanks for stopping by.


Faith Hope Love Photography said...

Love the pumpkins!!!

Lori said...

Fun pictures! Ahh - fall leaves,
Wait - do you guys have snow already?