Friday, February 20, 2009

Washing Over Me

A few days ago I was feeling overwhelmed. Not just one of those momentary, gone-in-a-few minutes kind of overwhelmed. The kind that you wake up with. That builds steadily, hour by hour, all day long. The kind that makes normal daily tasks feel unbearable and unattainable. I could see it coming, I guess. The last month has been filled with lots of unusual stresses (prolonged sickness in our house, the death of an extended family member, some difficult choices to be made...) All compounded by February. I enjoy February for lots of reasons. Many of our family members have birthdays this month, plus there's Valentine's day, etc. And I'm not one to complain about the weather. But here in the North, by this time of year, winter gets hard. "Cabin Fever" takes on a whole new meaning, especially for those with young children (even if you have made a good effort to get out in the fresh air whenever the temperature allows).
Anyway, it was one of those days that had me feeling utterly incompetent as a productive wife or mother. By the time Steve came home, not one check mark was to be found on my long to-do list. The kids were at each other. And I was tired with a capital T.
Steve was gracious enough to take over all parental duties when he saw how I was doing.
I retreated to a quiet room, and for some time, staring off into space was all I had motivation to do. Eventually I mustered what determination I could and started to read.

Now, here I come to the whole point of this post. I wanted to share with you the well known verse that I stumbled upon as I read. I know it well, yet it was as if I was reading it for the first time. It reminded me of my adoration for the Word. My wonder at its power. My amazement in it's ability to change me.

Here's what I read;

The Lord's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease.
For his compassions never fail. They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
"The Lord is my portion," says my soul,
"Therefore I have hope in Him."(Lamentations 3:22-24)

I can't tell you how many times in the past I have either read or heard this passage. Yet, that night, as I read these verses, my heavy burden of weariness was lifted. The best way I can think to describe it is a complete peace that washed over me. I have experienced this before with God's Living Word. Jesus said, "Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest...For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Light indeed! I love that His lovingkindnesses never cease. That His compassions never fail. That they are new every morning. Woo Hoo! New every morning?! That's what I'm talking about. No more of this carrying-around-my-own-burdens-and-dragging-them-into-every-new-day stuff that I tend to do! I love that the Lord is my portion. He is all I need. Because of this I do have hope in Him.
Free and light. That's how I feel.
I mean, yeah, it's been a couple days and there have been times when I have felt very tired. And my responsibilities are still sometimes staggering as they stare me in the eye.
But I am rejoicing again because I have been reminded of the truth.
Ahhhhh. :o) Praise the Lord. He is so good.

So that's my little bit about what God is doing in my life this week.


A Stafford said...

I can totally relate to your position. The stay-at-home mom of young children has the toughest job in the universe.

That verse is what we had for our wedding, and I have it in a couple places in my living room. How comforting it is to know that God is a constant source of strength and compassion. Even if I don't feel full of strength to face my day--every morning God is ready to help me begin again anew. And when I look back in my life, through all the ups and downs He has never failed me. Great is thy faithfulness!

LS said...

It's one of those days for me so I needed to read this! You're not alone! Thanks for sharing. I wish we could hang out in person!